A special Issue (vol. 31, Issue 3, 2019) of the World Leisure Journal will be published in 2019, devoted to “Leisure and Innovation”, and guest edited by Lénia Marques and
M. Sofia P. Biscaia (Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Aveiro). This special issue of the World Leisure Journal is an outcome of the WL Special Interest Group on “Leisure and Innovation”. This issue will focus on exploring the diversity of innovation manifestations in leisure contexts, practices and theories. The advent of the internet and the rapid changes in technology have been shaping leisure in different manners, from individual practices or business opportunities to policy-making. Spaces of leisure are now constructed and experienced in both physical and digital manners, allowing for leisure to become a favored field of experimentation for innovative approaches. Articles are due on the 1st March 2019 and authors are strongly encouraged to contact the guest editors to discuss potential submissions to assure topics fit the special issue. The complete style and reference guide can be found here.