Jerome Singleton is a professor and a leisure researcher at Dalhousie University (Canada). He is also the facilitator or the Special Interest Group (SIG) “Diversity, Access and Inclusion”. Jerome just renewed his membership and we took the opportunity to ask him a few questions to let you know him better.
In one sentence: What does leisure mean to you?
Leisure is any experience that has the following characteristics: it is fun, enjoyable, and relaxing, it is freely chosen.
What leisure projects, research and/or activities are you involved in?
I am currently working on a text on Therapeutic Recreation Assessment with Dr. Thom Skalko, Tristan Hopper and Andrea King.
How do you promote the development of leisure and leisure studies at Dalhousie University?
I promote the development of Recreation and Leisure Studies through the professional organizations in which I am involved as well as working toward Accreditation of the Recreation and Leisure Studies program at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Why did you decide to become a member (and renew membership) of WLO?
You need to think globally and act locally due to global migration. WLO provides the opportunity to engage with a global community.
You were chair of the old Commission “Access and Inclusion” and you will now facilitate the SIG “Diversity, Access and Inclusion”, how would you encourage people to join the SIGs?
The SIG “Diversity, Access and Inclusion” is only as strong as its membership. I would encourage members to join and make us strong.
What kind of synergies would you like to keep on developing through your WLO membership?
To understand how “Diversity, Access and Inclusion” are defined, how policy is shaped within the culture and heritage of a global society.