The Third World Leisure Expo will be held in the Chinese city of Hangzhou from 20 October to 12 November 2017. A second preparatory meeting was held in Hangzhou between WLO Chief Operating Officer, Communication & Events Coordinator, and Programme Coordinator, and the WLO Expo team. Both parties are working in close collaboration to ensure a highly satisfying experience for the millions of national and international visitors.
The Vice-mayor of Tourism Zhang Jiangting, also Member of The CPC Hangzhou Municipal Committee, and Deputy Mayor of Hangzhou Municipal Government of the Town Hall of the city of Hangzhou, showed his gratitude and interest in developing the activity in the city and counting with World Leisure Organization for its development and internationalization. We must remark that the city of Hangzhou is a very well-known not only by its cultural heritage but also by its quick development in the last years thanks to the great investment in cultural and tourism venues and events.
WLO team had the opportunity to personally discuss on the different spheres of the work process with Huang Feng (Vice Director), Fang Jian Hui (in charge of Exhibition Management), Ye Zi Qing (Finance), Lv Kang (Festival Director), Yang Yun (Assistant), Guo Yuan Yuan and Nihao Ganlin (Communication).
Photo credit: Several moments at the meeting between WLO and WL Expo team, by WLO Secretariat.