WLO’s COO, Cristina Ortega Nuere, met in London Alejandra Leach-Núñez, Managing Editor for World Leisure Journal (WLJ) at Routledge, Taylor & Francis, to reinforce the joint work and coordination between the two entities. Discussions focused around the WLO’s preparations for the 2018 WL Congress in São Paulo, as well as plans for marking the journal’s historic 60th anniversary, with delegates invited to a celebratory event to be held in Brazil, as well as the establishment of an inaugural WLJ best article or young researcher prize. As part of the anniversary celebrations, prospective WLO members can look forward to sampler free access to WLO content, while existing members will see their benefits increased through the renewed publishing partnership, with free access being granted to additional Taylor & Francis journals.
In the area of greater synergies, Cristina and Alejandra agreed to spotlight and give free access to WLJ content in all forthcoming newsletters, with last month’s newsletter highlighting content on Latin America in advance of the 2018 WL Congress in Brazil, and this month’s highlighting articles on China, in advance of the Third World Leisure Expo in Hangzhou. We look forward to continuing to highlight topical content to our members in future newsletters.
More information on the renewed membership benefits with regard to WLJ will be coming soon.