An invitation for expressions of interest to contribute to defining the key topics for World Leisure Organization Special Interest Groups (SIGs) was launched in 2016. This invitation responded to a priority that was pointed out during an open debate held in 2016 LARASA World Leisure Congress (Durban, South Africa): open and accessible SIGs should be developed to update and replace the Commissions formed in the 1970s, they should be member-generated and member-driven.
Ideas and topics for the new SIGs were gathered by the WLO Secretariat and then reviewed and organized by the WLO Research and Knowledge Transference committee. We are finally able to communicate the key topics that emerged during this highly participative process, which define the new WLO SIGs:
- Leisure Management and Policy
- Diversity, Access and Inclusion
- Leisure for Children and Youth
- Leisure and Sports
- Leisure Education
- Leisure, Health and Happiness
- Leisure and Ageing
- Leisure and Gender
- Leisure and Innovation
- Travel and Tourism
- Community and Economic Development
SIGs provide a space for members to meet and work together at a global level, advancing each one of the topics through the four areas that constitute WLO’s main objectives: research, education, knowledge transfer, and advocacy. SIGs will work in close collaboration with the WLO Secretariat. They will play a major role in the organization, by actively contributing to planning and goal attainment; among many other functions.
The facilitators of each SIGs, as well as more information for members to get involved, will be released soon. Stay tuned for more!
More information on the process of definition of these new SIGs can be found in the article “From Commissions to Special Interest Groups” published in the World Leisure Journal.