Several WL Committee online meetings have been celebrated during the first quarter of 2019. Ad hoc Committees bring together Board of Directors members to join efforts for the implementation of WLO’s Working Plan on specific areas: Board organization and Governance, Communication, Educational services, Financial and Fundraising, Membership, Strategic Priorities Grant, Research and Knowledge Transfer, and Youth Ambassadors.
By way of example, the Educational Services Committee is currently exploring some learning opportunities for students from World Leisure Centers of Excellence and others. Among those, an internship opportunity for students to complete their education at WL Secretariat was recently launched, and the organization of a Study Tour linked to the WL Expo in Hangzhou next October is now on the table. The participation of the WLO in the 7th edition of the ENCATC International Study Tour to Rabat(Morocco) next June was also discussed and widely agreed by Committee members.
For its part, the Youth Ambassadors Committee has been working on supporting YPBOL(Young People’s Book on Leisure) in the organization of its the second international camp in South Africa. This Committee has also designed a survey to learn more about young people’s expectations and needs, so as to develop better informed initiatives.
To take one more example, the Membership Committee has worked on a new membership model aimed at better meeting the needs of WLO’s diverse community. The new model will be launched very soon.