We talked to Stephen Anderson, member of the WLO Board of Directors and a Professor at Florida International University (USA). This short interview is part of a series of posts aimed to bring you closer to the members of our Board.
In one sentence: What does leisure mean to you?
Not having to do anything!
What leisure projects, research and/or activities are you involved in?
Virtual reality sailing simulation and quality of life of persons with spinal cord injuries.
How do you promote the development of leisure and leisure studies?
Living a leisure lifestyle and teaching my students.
How did you hear about WLO?
National and international academic colleagues introduced me to WLO.
Why did you decide to become a member of WLO?
Desire to be a member of the only international organization that promotes leisure.
What kind of synergies would you like to develop through your WLO membership?
Leisure studies faculty at universities around the world should encourage students to become members of WLO.