Prof. Dr. Roger Coles

Dr. Roger Coles is a Canadian, a Professor and the Interim Vice Provost for Community Engagement at Central Michigan University. He has spent 42 years at that institution as an educator, Department Chair of the 2nd largest Parks, Recreation & Leisure Services Program in the US.
He has spent his entire career in service having served as President of the Society of Park & Recreation Educators, American Leisure Academy, American Association for Leisure & Recreation, Michigan Parks & Recreation Association and the only two-time Chair of the Council on Accreditation. He currently serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for the World Leisure Organization, representing six continents.
He has written two books and two booklets with topics covering Grantsmanship and Fundraising Fundamentals, and Career Information used by many university curriculums. In his other 56 articles, topics include the Older Adult, Leisure Basic Concepts, Livable Winter Cities and from Exclusion to Inclusion.
Professor Coles has presented 92 speeches in 21 foreign countries and throughout the US. He has given five commencement addresses throughout the US including Hawaii.
He is an associate editor of three foreign journals. The Asian Journal of Exercise & Sport Science, Creativity & Leisure: An Intercultural Cross-Disciplinary Journal in Singapore, and the 4th Annual Asian-Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sport Conference Proceeding.
He conducts workshops, trainings and is a consultant. He has visited 20 universities as an accreditation visitor and completed four university assessment reviews. He is very active in university and community services and is a recipient of many honors and awards.