Prof. Dr. Robert Stebbins

Robert A. Stebbins, FRSC is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology at the University of Calgary. He received his Ph.D. in 1964 from the University of Minnesota. He has written over 230 articles and chapters and written or edited 50 books, including recently, Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time (Transaction, 2007/2015). Personal Decisions in the Public Square: Beyond Problem Solving into a Positive Sociology was published in 2009. Later in that year Palgrave Macmillan released his Leisure and Consumption: Common Ground/Separate Worlds. In April 2010, Wiley published Social Entrepreneurship for Dummies (with Mark Durieux). And his monograph (with Lee Davidson) on nature challenge activities entitled Serious Leisure and Nature: Sustainable Consumption in the Outdoors (Palgrave Macmillan) was published in February 2011. Stebbins’s The Idea of Leisure: First Principles was released in early 2012 and his Work and Leisure in the Middle East: The Common Ground of Two Separate Worlds appeared in 2013. Both are published by Transaction. Three books came out in 2014: Careers in Serious Leisure, Planning Your Life in Retirement, and The Committed Reader. In 2015 Stebbins will publish books on play and volunteering and positive psychology and leisure. Stebbins was elected Fellow of the Academy of Leisure Sciences in 1996, the Royal Society of Canada in 1999, and the World Leisure Academy in 2010. His interests in leisure studies date to late 1973 with research on amateurs in music, theatre, archaeology, and baseball. He and Jenna Hartel maintain the serious leisure perspective website (, which they inaugurated in 2006.