Prof. Dr. Robert Lynch

Rob was appointed Dean of the Faculty of Business at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) in 2003. Prior to this he held the position of Associate Dean, Research and Development in the same Faculty. He was Head of the School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism (LS&T) one of 6 Schools in the Faculty of Business from 1991 – 1996. He held appointments as Associate Professor and Senior Lecturer in the School of LS&T. Previous to this he held the position of Lecturer in Sociology at Charles Sturt University in rural New South Wales. He holds a PhD from the University of Illinois and Masters and Honours degrees in Education from the University of Western Australia. He is foundation Chairperson of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies (ANZALS) and was for several years after 1996, Chairperson of the Research Commission of the World Leisure and Recreation Association. He was also a Board Member of the Leisure Research Committee of the International Sociological Association. He is foundation Co-editor of Annals of Leisure Research, and has been a member of the Editorial Board of Leisure Sciences: an Interdisciplinary Journal, Australian Leisure Manager, and foundation Advisory Editorial Board member of Managing Leisure: an International Journal. His research interests are in leisure participation patterns and social change, museum visitation patterns, gambling, casino impacts, and crowd disorder in leisure contexts. He also co-authored An Australian Leisure Research Agenda in 1995 via a national process of establishing research priorities. He has also co-authored with Tony Veal a text titled Australian Leisure(1996), now in its fourth edition (2013). He has written a co-authored book on crowd disorder, Dynamics of Collective Conflict (1989) and has published numerous refereed papers, book chapters, papers in proceedings, reports and submissions in Australia, New Zealand, the USA, Canada, Japan and the United Kingdom. Rob retired from UTS in 2009 and since then has worked as a volunteer for Oxfam (2010-14), a Sydney based charity called Communities for Communities (2013 to the present; raises money locally for housing projects in South East Asia) and chairs the Board and various Committees of ActivateUTS (body overseeing sport, recreation, functions and catering at UTS) and the UTS Haberfield Club, a new $8.5 million Rowing and Registered Club built over Iron Cove in the inner west of Sydney.