Prof. Dr. Francis Lobo

Francis Lobo is the Honorary Professor in the School of Business at Edith Cowan University in Perth, Western Australia. He is an Indian, born in Uganda and a citizen of Australia. He has had a long and distinguished teaching career in leisure and sports management studies. He obtained his doctorate at the University of Western Australia and completed Masters’ degrees in the United States and Australia. With undergraduate studies done in the United Kingdom, India and Uganda, Dr Lobo is uniquely qualified to teach and speak internationally. He has been an invited speaker in several countries that include the United States, the UK, Canada, India, China, South Korea, South Africa, Mexico, Venezuela, Brazil, Argentina, Sweden and The Netherlands. He has conducted study courses, spoken at national and international forums and mentored students from around the globe.
His publications include a large number (in parenthesis) of textual material. They include: books (4); peer reviewed journal papers (16); non-referred papers (20); conference papers published in proceedings (27); community research publications (8); editorial (3); book chapters (22); book reviews (16); unpublished conference presentations (85); research and consultancy for government and industry (11); research grants and fellowships (10); and prizes, honours and awards (25).
Dr Lobo was a past Director of the World Leisure Organization, having previously served as the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of the World Leisure Journal. In 2000, Dr Lobo was awarded The Frank Stewart Award for outstanding contribution to the Parks and Leisure Industry in Australia over many years. He attained the status of Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Northern Iowa in 2006 and was conferred with a Senior Fellowship of the World Leisure Academy in 2010. Francis was the President of the American Leisure Academy (ALA) for one year before the ALA merged with the Academy of Leisure Sceince. He continues to be a member of Editorial Boards of several leisure and related journals. Francis Lobo’s current research interest is the relationship of leisure, happiness and development. Recently, in August 2012, he presented two papers at the 2nd International Sociological Association Forum of Sociology held in Buenos Aires. As a member of Research Committee 13 which deals with the Sociology of Leisure Dr Lobo presented at the Presidential Session on: Leisure happiness and development: A contemporary Australian perspective. In a joint session with the Research Committee on Ageing, he presented on: Ageing, leisure and happiness: Maintaining wellbeing in later life. He hopes that leisure when properly conceived will be a vital force in enhancing the happiness of humans.
The vast undertakings at local, national and international levels have enabled Dr Lobo to be a globe traveller promoting his message on world-class leisure and sports management. In the year 2000 Australia recognized his achievements by awarding the Frank Stewart Award for contribution to Australian Parks and Recreation, and in late 2012 he was awarded the prestigious Cornelis Westland Humanitarian award for a sustained period of global leadership in recreation and leisure. This award was conferred in Rimini, Italy.