The interdisciplinary World Leisure Organization Routledge book series aims to publish the most up-to-date and innovative critical perspectives on the leisure field.
The approach of the series corresponds to World Leisure Organisation’s notion of leisure, viewing it as a multi-dimensional reality which includes tourism, sports, culture and recreation. The series also studies cross-discipline and cross-sectoral connections – within and beyond leisure studies and the leisure sector, as well as the development of useful educational tools for the leisure academic and professional communities.
In this series, leisure is acknowledged in its capability of generating alliances and a resilient ecosystem, which needs greater articulation and development of proactive actions, such as those discussed in this series. The series is thus deeply rooted in the theory-practice-policy connection and builds on previous works in the leisure field, as well as from the leisure sector, to further explore leisure’s untapped potential for individual and societal well-being.
The series aims to publish books discussing the following key themes, constituting the focus of the World Leisure Special Interest Groups (SIGs), which work towards the future challenges in the field:
Leisure Management
Leisure and Human Rights
Leisure and Gender
Leisure and Ageing
Leisure and for Children and Youth
Leisure and Tourism
Leisure Diversity, Access and Inclusion
Leisure and Innovation
Leisure, Community and Economic Development
Leisure Education
Leisure and Well-being