Prof. Dr. Bohdan Jung Back to AcademyRead more
Prof. Dr. Bohdan Jung Back to AcademyRead more
Prof. Dr. Karla Henderson Back to Academy Karla A. Henderson is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at North Carolina State University. She has given numerous presentations throughout North America, South American, Europe, Asia, and Australia and publishes regularly in a variety of journals in the field. Among her authoredRead more
Prof. Dr. Geoffrey Godbey Back to Academy Dr. Godbey, Professor Emeritus at Penn State University, has authored or co-authored twelve books and approximately one hundred articles dealing with leisure behavior, history and philosophies of leisure, leisure service organizations,aging, healkth and the future of leisure and leisure services. He has been President of SPRE and PresidentRead more
Prof. Dr. Jeon Myung Gim Back to Academy Dr. Jeong Myung Gim is Professor of School of Physical Education & Leisure Studies at Myong Ji Univerity and Director of Korea Somatics Institute promoting the integrative approach to mind and body. He is currently Dean of College of Arts and Physical Education at the University. He was School Director of PELS, Director of UniversityRead more
Prof. Dr. Christopher R. Edginton Back to Academy Christopher R. Edginton is the R.J. McElroy Professor of Youth Leadership Studies; School of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services University of Northern Iowa. He has held direct leadership, supervisory and administrative positions in the recreation, parks and leisure services field. From 1991-2010, he served as professorRead more
Prof. Dr. Grant Cushman Back to Academy Grant Cushman is Emeritus Professor of Parks, Recreation and Tourism at Lincoln University, Canterbury, and is Honorary Professor in Sport and Leisure Studies at Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand. He is a former Co-Editor-in-Chief of the World Leisure Journal. He is a former President of the Australian and NewRead more
Prof. Dr. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Back to Academy Dr. Csikszentmihalyi’s contributions to leisure sciences include an empirically-based model of enjoyment (flow) and the experience sampling technique (ESM) using pagers. Since authoring Beyond Boredom and Anxiety (1976), his books have been translated into twenty-three languages and his (1990) Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience was a Book of the Month, Quality Paperback, andRead more
Mr. Ian Cooper Back to Academy Ian Cooper is an international Culture and Sport Management Consultant based in Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk, England. He holds an MSc in Recreation Management (Loughborough University, Honorary BSc in Physical Education (Loughborough University), an Honours Diploma in Physical Education and Science (Loughborough University), a Diploma in Study Advanced Study in EducationRead more
Dr. Derek Casey Back to Academy Derek Casey was born and educated in Scotland in the United Kingdom. Formerly the Chief Executive of the UK Sports Council and Sport England, Derek had responsibility for the establishment of the Sports Lottery Fund in the UK. This included the construction of community and national facilities and theRead more
World Leisure Organization is a non-profit organization registered in New York.
World Leisure Organization (WLO) | Scientific and Technical Office Arenal 1, Segunda Planta | 48005 Bilbao, Spain
secretariat@worldleisure.orgCall us: +34 946 056 151
WLO is a NGO in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (UN ECOSOC)
Supporting Organization signatory party of the Glasgow Declaration on Climate Action in Tourism