An Associate Professor at Palacky University in Olomouc (Czech Republic), Donald N. Roberson, Jr. is a WLO member who is passionate about teaching and fostering critical reflection on leisure in the classroom. He just renewed his WLO membership and we asked him a few question for you to know a bit more about your fellow WLO member.
In one sentence: What does leisure mean to you?
Leisure is free time when I have a choice of activities that are meaningful for me to be involved with.
What leisure projects, research and/or activities are you involved in?
I enjoy research in the broad area of learning in free time or leisure. Whether it is travel, physical activity, or attending a seminar – how does this free time/leisure activity impact you.
How do you promote the development of leisure and leisure studies at your University?
I offer a class in recreation and leisure. Within this class I try to expose the students to the different philosophy of recreation and leisure.
Why did you decide to become a member (and renew membership) of WLO?
I have always been attracted to the ideals of WLO and wanted to renew the membership.
What kind of synergies would you like to keep on developing through your WLO membership?
I would offer a perspective that one can find in the papers that I have written: the importance of free time in everyone’s life.